Who is “Virat”?
As you know, in the growth of Shri Vishnu’s manifestation, He comes into ten incarnations and ultimately He manifests Himself as Virat. Virat is the brain of the being which we can call as God Almighty, so the whole central nervous system is worked through by Shri Krishna as Vishnu, then all these incarnations, then Shri Krishna and ultimately as Virat.
This is the development of our brain and when we are worshipping Virat, we have to know that within us also we have got the manifestation of this power of Virat. That manifestation which we have we can call it as Virat if Shri Krishna is Mahavirata.
You all know about Virat much more than I can tell you today because VIRAT is the whole, is the totality. And the totality of everything, if that is Virat, then that is in your brain, but reality is in your heart.
So the totality you may see, you may witness, the reality is the subtlety behind it.
So the brain which is not ruled by the heart, which is not nourished by the heart, is a very dangerous thing, because it creates extroversion, and such a person who is without any heart tries to do things, becomes very ruthless and can be very dangerous.
It could be the other way also within us; that if we allow our heart to rule us, only live with our emotions and not to use our rationality, then we can become really very dangerous people to ourselves. In the sense, we become lethargic, we become indulgent into wrong sort of things. And today what one feels that in America there’s more dominance of the left side than of the right.
Right side is our attention and the right side of attention is, we can say, is the liver of God Almighty. So now when we have to talk of the totality, when we are part and parcel of the totality, and now we are awakened to that existence of ours as the part and parcel of the whole, then we have to realize to become the whole we have to do something about it. Specially in the land of Shri Krishna( America) we have to work out this tremendous task of creating Viratas out of Sahaja Yogis.
Shri Virata Puja. Camp Wonposet, Connecticut (USA), 11 June 1989.
Vishuddhi & ViratShakti
North America and South America, as you know is the Shri Krishna’s center of Vishuddhi. And it is very important to know also that all the communications, all the relationships with the whole creation has to be established through this center of Vishuddhi. Vishuddhi, as you know is the most important center in your ascent, in a way. Because Sahaja Yoga is not only meant for your ascent but for the ascent of the whole world, and only through Vishuddhi you can achieve it. Even if you get your self-realization and you get all the powers, unless and until you use your Vishuddhi, it won’t work out. Look at my Vishuddhi also, talking, talking everywhere, keeping communications, Vishuddhi goes out! Also, this Vishuddhi chakra being so important, it is under attack. Attack of the negative force.
Today we are going to worship Virata and Viratangana. Virat is the ultimate, the complete development of the Vishuddhi chakra is Virata. And as you know the chakra is here here at this point. If this chakra is not all right, you are not collective. You behave in a manner that is not collective. You cannot communicate with other Sahaja yogis. You cannot be friendly, loving and one with other Sahaja yogis unless and until the center of Vishuddhi is all right. And it is part of Ekadasha. Vishuddhi is the center of the Ekadasha Rudra.
So one has to understand that Virata Shakti is spread all over. We have communications. …….So it is the subtle of that Ether which communicates us to other worlds. That is one power of Virata. That he is the subtle of that.
The second power which we have is of Viratangana we can say because Virat is the kinetic force but the source is Viratangana, is everything that brain can do. All thinking, all creativity, all compassion, all kinds of looking after other nations.
You (America) have to look after all the suppressions and the wars and all the civil wars everywhere, is all your headache, because you are sitting in the land of Virat. So He’s the Father. He’s what you call Jehovah. He’s Akhbar. So on the brain level when Kundalini reaches and enlightens your brain then this science that you know becomes logical not only that but you know meta science because the brain which was just knowing science now knows the source of science. The whole thing it can see, clearly.
The human brain has created different nations. So above all we realize that all these nations belong to one world. Once you rise above you see that this was created by us, by our own thinking, by our own projections we have created………… Whatever they have done now is coming back. Once you rise higher you start seeing the vision. ........Mental projection is on another level is that you have created a materialistic world. With this materialistic world you have reduced everything to the level of money. Religion is money, everything is money. Nobody has any respect for anything but for money. And then material things. One starts seeing matter as a source of wealth and source of dignity and a source of great positions, powers. But when you rise higher into Virata’s power you see the stupidity of materialism. …………..
At this time, we have to do resurrection work, means what, that our Virata Shakti has to be enlightened in our brain. So in Sahaja Yoga when you rise into Virata Shakti you go up and see all these declines, all these falling mental projections, from that height. ………… Ego is extremely strong in modern times. ....... If you say anything they just jump on you. You cannot criticize them, you cannot tell them what’s wrong with you, they’ll just sit on your head, if you say anything they’ll start hitting you. They never want to see what’s wrong with them. It’s impossible to communicate to them because of their ego and this ego has come because of certain declining nature of the modern time……………. So when you rise into your Virata Shakti by the enlightenment of the Kundalini, the Viratangana is the power which gives you a complete vision of the decline into which every mental projection which was idealistic, beautiful, has fallen.
Shri Virata Viratangana Puja. Los Angeles (USA), 10 October 1993
Virat Shakti NOT Shri Krishna Shakti
Now the other thing that we have to understand Shri Krishna at this stage of Sahaja Yoga, that it is the Virata Shakti that is manifesting at this time and not the Shri Krishna Shakti which was at His time. And the power that is working here is no more that of Radha or of Mary, but of Viratangana. That’s why the knowledge of Sahaja Yogis is much wider than the knowledge of all the saints of ages. But it is not deeper than them. If you can deepen your knowledge, this wider knowledge will have proper roots within you.
So the brain are the roots, here are the roots of the whole tree of life. Actually Kundalini comes up and waters the brain first, so that the whole tree of life is drenched in the Divine Bliss and Divine Knowledge.
So this Virata Shakti that we have to work out gives us the sense of collective consciousness first. First we understand it through our brain power.
But the whole brain power is to be guided by the Heart, is to be watered; but in Sanskrit is a very beautiful word ”sinchan”, like dew drops, spray, with the Love of God. So the integration of this brain has to take with Heart and with your liver. Then only the Virata-Shakti takes another form. The weapons of killing become the weapons of forgiveness. Every sort of destructive power is used for the construction. As if it is tricked………………………………………………………………………So you should understand today, that Virata Shakti is :”we are going to worship that Virata Shakti which has given fruits”. As a result of that, all these different churches and fanaticism, and atheism and communism and all that-ism, all these will neutralize, because they will see their benefit in it. But you have to become that. That is the biggest thing one has to know is to bend down towards the Mother Earth, to be humble. Absolutely the humility inside out, is really going to give you the complete value of Sahaja-Yoga fruits.
Guru Tatwa Weight
Those sahaja-yogis who boast about themselves are like the fruits which are getting ruined only on the tree. The only fruits, which bend down, are accepted as good and matured fruits, and not those who assert that they are the highest. But some of the negative people should not by any chance take advantage of this and say that they are good because they are bending down.
It’s not the logic. Some of them pose they are humble ; even a rotten fruit bends down. But the mature fruit shows its humility by its weight. That is the Guru tattva weight.
So from the Viratangana Power, we get the power of maturity up to the fruit and then we become blessed by guru principle. Those who are still involved in getting to better sunshine or getting to better water supply or all these things, are not yet matured, because the fruit doesn’t need anything anymore. It doesn’t need anything from the Mother Earth, nor from the elements. But it surrenders, it bends, it bows to the Mother Earth.
So the Sahaja-yogi who goes on asking questions to Mother, bringing personal problems, stupid ideas, negativity, all those people are still not yet the fruits.
Shri Krishna Puja, Tannay (Switzerland), 28 August
As you know, in the growth of Shri Vishnu’s manifestation, He comes into ten incarnations and ultimately He manifests Himself as Virat. Virat is the brain of the being which we can call as God Almighty, so the whole central nervous system is worked through by Shri Krishna as Vishnu, then all these incarnations, then Shri Krishna and ultimately as Virat.
This is the development of our brain and when we are worshipping Virat, we have to know that within us also we have got the manifestation of this power of Virat. That manifestation which we have we can call it as Virat if Shri Krishna is Mahavirata.
You all know about Virat much more than I can tell you today because VIRAT is the whole, is the totality. And the totality of everything, if that is Virat, then that is in your brain, but reality is in your heart.
So the totality you may see, you may witness, the reality is the subtlety behind it.
So the brain which is not ruled by the heart, which is not nourished by the heart, is a very dangerous thing, because it creates extroversion, and such a person who is without any heart tries to do things, becomes very ruthless and can be very dangerous.
It could be the other way also within us; that if we allow our heart to rule us, only live with our emotions and not to use our rationality, then we can become really very dangerous people to ourselves. In the sense, we become lethargic, we become indulgent into wrong sort of things. And today what one feels that in America there’s more dominance of the left side than of the right.
Right side is our attention and the right side of attention is, we can say, is the liver of God Almighty. So now when we have to talk of the totality, when we are part and parcel of the totality, and now we are awakened to that existence of ours as the part and parcel of the whole, then we have to realize to become the whole we have to do something about it. Specially in the land of Shri Krishna( America) we have to work out this tremendous task of creating Viratas out of Sahaja Yogis.
Shri Virata Puja. Camp Wonposet, Connecticut (USA), 11 June 1989.
Vishuddhi & ViratShakti
North America and South America, as you know is the Shri Krishna’s center of Vishuddhi. And it is very important to know also that all the communications, all the relationships with the whole creation has to be established through this center of Vishuddhi. Vishuddhi, as you know is the most important center in your ascent, in a way. Because Sahaja Yoga is not only meant for your ascent but for the ascent of the whole world, and only through Vishuddhi you can achieve it. Even if you get your self-realization and you get all the powers, unless and until you use your Vishuddhi, it won’t work out. Look at my Vishuddhi also, talking, talking everywhere, keeping communications, Vishuddhi goes out! Also, this Vishuddhi chakra being so important, it is under attack. Attack of the negative force.
Today we are going to worship Virata and Viratangana. Virat is the ultimate, the complete development of the Vishuddhi chakra is Virata. And as you know the chakra is here here at this point. If this chakra is not all right, you are not collective. You behave in a manner that is not collective. You cannot communicate with other Sahaja yogis. You cannot be friendly, loving and one with other Sahaja yogis unless and until the center of Vishuddhi is all right. And it is part of Ekadasha. Vishuddhi is the center of the Ekadasha Rudra.
So one has to understand that Virata Shakti is spread all over. We have communications. …….So it is the subtle of that Ether which communicates us to other worlds. That is one power of Virata. That he is the subtle of that.
The second power which we have is of Viratangana we can say because Virat is the kinetic force but the source is Viratangana, is everything that brain can do. All thinking, all creativity, all compassion, all kinds of looking after other nations.
You (America) have to look after all the suppressions and the wars and all the civil wars everywhere, is all your headache, because you are sitting in the land of Virat. So He’s the Father. He’s what you call Jehovah. He’s Akhbar. So on the brain level when Kundalini reaches and enlightens your brain then this science that you know becomes logical not only that but you know meta science because the brain which was just knowing science now knows the source of science. The whole thing it can see, clearly.
The human brain has created different nations. So above all we realize that all these nations belong to one world. Once you rise above you see that this was created by us, by our own thinking, by our own projections we have created………… Whatever they have done now is coming back. Once you rise higher you start seeing the vision. ........Mental projection is on another level is that you have created a materialistic world. With this materialistic world you have reduced everything to the level of money. Religion is money, everything is money. Nobody has any respect for anything but for money. And then material things. One starts seeing matter as a source of wealth and source of dignity and a source of great positions, powers. But when you rise higher into Virata’s power you see the stupidity of materialism. …………..
At this time, we have to do resurrection work, means what, that our Virata Shakti has to be enlightened in our brain. So in Sahaja Yoga when you rise into Virata Shakti you go up and see all these declines, all these falling mental projections, from that height. ………… Ego is extremely strong in modern times. ....... If you say anything they just jump on you. You cannot criticize them, you cannot tell them what’s wrong with you, they’ll just sit on your head, if you say anything they’ll start hitting you. They never want to see what’s wrong with them. It’s impossible to communicate to them because of their ego and this ego has come because of certain declining nature of the modern time……………. So when you rise into your Virata Shakti by the enlightenment of the Kundalini, the Viratangana is the power which gives you a complete vision of the decline into which every mental projection which was idealistic, beautiful, has fallen.
Shri Virata Viratangana Puja. Los Angeles (USA), 10 October 1993
Virat Shakti NOT Shri Krishna Shakti
Now the other thing that we have to understand Shri Krishna at this stage of Sahaja Yoga, that it is the Virata Shakti that is manifesting at this time and not the Shri Krishna Shakti which was at His time. And the power that is working here is no more that of Radha or of Mary, but of Viratangana. That’s why the knowledge of Sahaja Yogis is much wider than the knowledge of all the saints of ages. But it is not deeper than them. If you can deepen your knowledge, this wider knowledge will have proper roots within you.
So the brain are the roots, here are the roots of the whole tree of life. Actually Kundalini comes up and waters the brain first, so that the whole tree of life is drenched in the Divine Bliss and Divine Knowledge.
So this Virata Shakti that we have to work out gives us the sense of collective consciousness first. First we understand it through our brain power.
But the whole brain power is to be guided by the Heart, is to be watered; but in Sanskrit is a very beautiful word ”sinchan”, like dew drops, spray, with the Love of God. So the integration of this brain has to take with Heart and with your liver. Then only the Virata-Shakti takes another form. The weapons of killing become the weapons of forgiveness. Every sort of destructive power is used for the construction. As if it is tricked………………………………………………………………………So you should understand today, that Virata Shakti is :”we are going to worship that Virata Shakti which has given fruits”. As a result of that, all these different churches and fanaticism, and atheism and communism and all that-ism, all these will neutralize, because they will see their benefit in it. But you have to become that. That is the biggest thing one has to know is to bend down towards the Mother Earth, to be humble. Absolutely the humility inside out, is really going to give you the complete value of Sahaja-Yoga fruits.
Guru Tatwa Weight
Those sahaja-yogis who boast about themselves are like the fruits which are getting ruined only on the tree. The only fruits, which bend down, are accepted as good and matured fruits, and not those who assert that they are the highest. But some of the negative people should not by any chance take advantage of this and say that they are good because they are bending down.
It’s not the logic. Some of them pose they are humble ; even a rotten fruit bends down. But the mature fruit shows its humility by its weight. That is the Guru tattva weight.
So from the Viratangana Power, we get the power of maturity up to the fruit and then we become blessed by guru principle. Those who are still involved in getting to better sunshine or getting to better water supply or all these things, are not yet matured, because the fruit doesn’t need anything anymore. It doesn’t need anything from the Mother Earth, nor from the elements. But it surrenders, it bends, it bows to the Mother Earth.
So the Sahaja-yogi who goes on asking questions to Mother, bringing personal problems, stupid ideas, negativity, all those people are still not yet the fruits.
Shri Krishna Puja, Tannay (Switzerland), 28 August
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